MusicBot: A Smart Music Assistant

This is a course project of Intelligent Conversational Bot at National Taiwan University. It’s a modular chatbot which supports the following features:

  • Play songs: Search songs with artist or track name.
  • Recommendation: Recommend similar songs given the artist / track name or genre.
  • Information: List the popular songs from a artist given his/her name. Find the artist and album given the track name.
  • Playlist:
    • Create a playlist named by user.
    • Add songs to a specific playlist.
    • Play a specific playlist.
    • Show the songs in a specific playlist
    • Show the playlists owned by the current user.
  • Play Public Playlist: Play some public playlist like “Taiwan Top 50 Music” or “Music for study” provided by Spotify Charts

For more details, please see the github page.